What's involved?

Network with cross-sector professionals. 

Find out what people are buying from retailers, what they're asking for from HR, what they need from the NHS and what Investors think is the next trend in wellness by networking and discussing with industries within wellness but different to your own. 

Listen to a key speaker

Each dinner focuses on a different topic such as imposter syndrome, grief, sleep, anxiety and returning to work. Find a dinner that suits you or attend them all. 

For each dinner your host will introduce the topic and give an overview of the problem for consumers, employees and brands, inviting the room to discuss solutions.

Get a DineWith Goodybag

From massages, to supplements, personal training vouchers, bubble bath and chocolate! 

Our DineWith goody bags are worth over £1,000 and yours to take home. 

Enjoy your meal!

Our dinners are held in private spaces. A two course meal and one glass of wine is included in your ticket price. 

Enjoy great conversation in a chilled environment with a friendly host.